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Interested in how Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ climate change stance has changed over time? Let’s [...]

There’s been a lot of buzz about Kamala Harris’ track record on climate change. Let’s [...]

Despite all the talk about switching to green energy, it seems governments around the world [...]

As if rising temperatures weren’t enough, studies are showing that climate change is helping to [...]

Florida Governor Ron Desantis’ lack of climate policies has been a problem as severe flooding [...]

Gretchen Whitmer has just taken on HOAs across Michigan. Who won? A Big Win For… [...]

Experts warn that the recent storm damage to the state could skyrocket into hundreds of [...]

Think the occasional power outage is just a temporary inconvenience? Think again. As America’s energy [...]

Ever wonder if some of those wild conspiracy theories might have a grain of truth? [...]

The Boomer generation in the UK grew up during a period of rapid industrial growth [...]

Climate change is a reality we can no longer ignore, and personal accountability is more [...]

Millennials have often been labeled as apathetic, but when it comes to climate change, they [...]

American consumerism, with its “buy more, waste more” philosophy, is not just a threat to [...]

When it comes to green energy, China is making America look bad. Full story. A [...]

As intense heat keeps scorching the US, various attorneys general are asking the government to [...]

Florida residents are struggling this hurricane season, and many are pointing the finger at a [...]

Is religious dogma stalling scientific progress in America? You betcha. Here are 21 ways that [...]

The lights flicker, then go out, and they’re not coming back—ever. No more checking your [...]

When it comes to green policies, the differences between Democrats and Republicans may be like [...]

It’s no secret that millennials have been handed a lot of global and societal issues [...]

Ever wondered which states are letting the side down when it comes to protecting our [...]

Invasive species wreak havoc on ecosystems, agriculture, and even our daily lives. Here are 25 [...]

While reasons like higher production costs are given, other sources blame “greed” for the mass [...]

Are we finally ready to admit that science is kicking religion’s behind in explaining our [...]

Why are we still fighting against renewable energy? Here are 22 lies that have been [...]

Think our weather’s always been this crazy? Think again. Recent trends show alarming changes. Here [...]

Skeptics may claim that climate change is a myth, but the facts are undeniable. Our [...]

In the battle against climate change, some influential voices cast long shadows of doubt. These [...]

Imagine the unthinkable: a colossal asteroid slamming into Earth. The stakes are astronomical, the consequences [...]

Cybertruck owners may be throwing up their hands in frustration after Tesla’s controversial electric pickup [...]

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