15 Most Beautiful Places on Earth Threatened by Climate Change

Climate change is robbing us of the world’s most stunning landscapes, and it’s happening faster than you think. 1. Great Barrier Reef, Australia The Great Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has lost half its coral cover since 1985 due to rising ocean temperatures and acidification. This iconic underwater wonder is on the brink of collapse, and by 2050, …

Don’t Delay: 20 Ways to Protect Your Home Against Severe Weather

Extreme weather is no longer confined to just a few states; its reach has expanded across the entire country. From hurricanes in Florida to wildfires in California, every state now faces some form of severe weather risk. Are you prepared to protect your home from these increasingly common and dangerous events? 1. Reinforce Your Roof In hurricane-prone states like Florida …

21 Reasons So Many American Deny Global Warming Is Happening

The evidence for global warming is overwhelming, yet many Americans still deny its reality. It’s time to cut through the nonsense and face the facts. Surely, you’re not falling for these excuses. 1. Political Polarization Let’s be real: your political affiliation shouldn’t dictate your stance on science. Climate change has become a partisan issue, but that doesn’t make the facts …

New Jersey Is the Third-Fastest Warming State in the US, Yet Workers Remain Unprotected

And yet, outdoor laborers continue battling 90+ degrees heat while awaiting a bill to protect them from heat injuries “before workers die”. A Sizzling State Climate Central, a climate research nonprofit, recently conducted a study on how the rising heat is affecting Americans.  The result? New Jersey is officially the fastest-warming state in the entire Northeast United States (and the …

Hurricane Helene Slams Florida as a Category 4 Storm Causing Widespread Damage

On Thursday, September 26, 2024, Hurricane Helene made landfall in Florida’s Big Bend region as a powerful Category 4 storm, unleashing destructive winds of up to 140 mph, severe storm surges, and torrential rainfall. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) described the storm as “life-threatening,” urging millions of Floridians to heed evacuation orders. Helene is the latest major hurricane to strike …

16% of Americans Don’t Believe in Global Warming

Surveys state that denialism is higher in the central- and southern US.  Where Have You Been? Although it might sound like a new thing, we have been warned about the dangers of greenhouse gases for over half a century.  Back to the 60s In March 1969, Senator Henry M. Jackson of Washington State got a letter from a very angry …

US Reservoirs Are Failing, Utility Companies Thirsty For Bill-Payers’ Dollars to Fix It

A new report has revealed the scary state of America’s water supply problems. America’s Thirst Trap America’s water reservoirs are in deep trouble – pardon the pun. New research has sounded the alarm about our water storage systems, which are shrinking and becoming unreliable faster than we thought.  Reservoirs on the Rocks Climate change is hitting hard, and our reservoirs …

Climate Change Action Could End Next-Day Deliveries

Have you gotten used to ordering stuff online and it coming the next day? Well, as Bob Dylan once put it, the times, they are a changin’. Is Fast Shipping on Its Last Legs? We’ve all grown to love the convenience of ordering online. Order something from anywhere in the nation, and you’re more than likely to be offered next-day …

New York’s Rising Sea Levels Cause Concern

As New York’s shorelines inch ever closer to its bustling streets, the rising sea levels aren’t just a warning—they’re a loud wake-up call to a city and a nation unprepared for the wet feet of tomorrow. Wall Street Under Water: Financial District’s Flooding Fears Experts predict that a significant portion of Lower Manhattan could be submerged by 2100, threatening the …

Colorado’s Governor Lays Out Ambitious Renewable Plans for the State

“Highly confident” Governor Jared Polis aims to make the state 100% renewable “by 2040”.  Presenting New Plants Thanks to Colorado’s investment in geothermal energy, a handful of utility-scale hot water electricity plants can be expected within the next few years.  This is according to studies released on Monday by Gov. Jared Polis, the 43rd governor of Colorado, and his energy …