Texans Are Being Kept in the Dark About Centerpoints Decisions That Are Upsetting Climate Activists

Texas utility Centerpoint has made some very controversial decisions recently. Here are the details about why climate activists are upset.

Hurricane Beryl Strikes

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Mathew Risley

On July 8, as Beryl slammed into Texas, more than 2.7 million residents lost power. CenterPoint’s Houston customers were hit the hardest, with 80% left in darkness. 

Blackout Catastrophe

Image Credit: Shutterstock / gguy

This blackout, the largest in CenterPoint’s 20-year history, left people without electricity for over a week while temperatures soared above 90°F.

State Investigation 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Carrington Tatum

In response, the state Public Utility Commission has launched an investigation. At the time, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said, “CenterPoint has completely dropped the ball with regard to getting power back on,” and he asked CenterPoint to send him a detailed plan by the end of the month, covering how they will better prepare for any future hurricanes this season.

CenterPoint’s Defense

Image Credit: Shutterstock / JHVEPhoto

CenterPoint has been defending itself, arguing that its equipment just isn’t built well for this wild weather. Now they’re asking customers to shell out an extra $2 billion to toughen up their systems. 

Hypocrisy in Climate Spending

Image Credit: Shutterstock / AlessandroBiascioli

But here’s what’s got climate activists worked up: CenterPoint is playing both sides. They’re asking for money to prep for climate change, but at the same time, they’re spending millions of customer dollars to fuel the problem. 

Blocking Climate Policies Nationwide

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Barbara Smyers

A UK research group, InfluenceMap, says CenterPoint is one of the worst when it comes to fighting against climate action in the US. They’re not just messing around in Texas either – they’re pushing back on policies across the country, basically putting the brakes on any climate progress.

A Pattern 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martchan

CenterPoint has a history of opposing climate-friendly policies. They’ve been busy in Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, and Indiana, where they managed to block attempts to ban methane gas. Over in Minnesota, they pushed back against plans to electrify buildings, arguing for methane-powered heating instead. This isn’t just a one-off – it’s a pattern. 

How Much Have They Spent?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

This aggressive lobbying isn’t cheap, and CenterPoint funds it largely through customer payments. The utility spent at least $3.3 million on lobbying for anti-climate policies over the past two years.

Trade Association Contributions

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bumble Dee

CenterPoint isn’t just doing the dirty work themselves – they’re also bankrolling groups that do it for them. Since 2022, they’ve pumped over $2 million into trade groups like the Electric Edison Institute (EEI) and the American Gas Association (AGA). These groups are notorious for spreading climate disinformation. 

EEI And AGA Spending

Image Credit: Shutterstock / I. Noyan Yilmaz

EEI has been throwing around serious cash – over $4 million this year alone – to push for more fossil fuels and fight against EPA rules, while AGA – which represents over 200 gas companies – spent $1.3 million last year and has already dropped nearly $400,000 this year, to keep gas appliances from being regulated.

CenterPoint’s Defense

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kitreel

CenterPoint argues that not all the money given to EEI and AGA goes to lobbying. Of the $2 million given to EEI, only $295,500 was for “political activities,” and the $90,100 estimate for AGA lobbying is just a fraction of their dues.

Political Contributions

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Microgen

CenterPoint’s influence also extends into politics. Since 2022, they’ve dropped over $1.3 million in campaign donations through their political action committees. And guess where most of that cash is going – to Republican groups like the Associated Republicans of Texas Campaign Fund ($500,000) and Project Red Texas ($250,000). 

Funding Climate Change-Denying Politicians

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Summit Art Creations

These aren’t just any politicians they’re backing – we’re talking about legislators who are pushing bills against renewable energy and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) bills.

Funding Climate Disinformation

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Owlie Productions

CenterPoint has also been buddying up with the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF), which is known for running campaigns that bash renewable energy. 

A Leaked Bombshell

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Atstock Productions

CenterPoint likes to keep quiet about who they’re giving money to, but back in 2010 a leaked IRS document spilled the beans: CenterPoint’s vice president donated $25,000 to TPPF.

Customer Money for Politics

Image Credit: Shutterstock / panuwat phimpha

CenterPoint claims that they don’t “generally” use customer money for political donations. But according to reports, most of their anti-climate activities are actually funded by customer payments. So Texans, who don’t have any choice but to pay their electric bills, are unknowingly bankrolling efforts that make climate change worse.

A Vicious Cycle

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bilanol

CenterPoint is looking for funds to bolster its grid against severe weather, but its current spending means the climate crisis will worsen, which will lead to more frequent and severe weather events. Eventually the very customers funding these anti-climate efforts will be the ones most affected by power outages and disasters.

The Ironic Irony

Image Credit: Shutterstock / AnnaStills

CenterPoint states they need to get the grid ready for climate change, but their spending is actively making the problem worse. They’re spending money to fight against climate action and giving cash to politicians who don’t believe in climate change.

Texans Left Struggling

Image Credit: Shutterstock / GSPhotography

Meanwhile, people in Texas are dealing with power outages and crazy weather, and the irony is they’re the ones footing the bill for CenterPoint’s controversial behavior.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Rachael Warriner.