Rhode Island: Beachgoers Scatter as Millions of Insects Swamp the Shores

In a bizarre scene that some witnesses compared to an “apocalypse” moment, Rhode Island beachgoers saw their local swimming spot swamped by a strange swarm of insects.

A Strange Sight in Rhode Islands

Image Credit: Pexels / Rafael Minguet

An enormous swarm of dragonflies was reported buzzing through a Rhode Island beach on Saturday, causing some stunned and fearful beachgoers to flee from the area.

Cloud of Dragonflies

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These clouds of winged insects descended onto Misquamicut Beach on Saturday and appeared to fly back and forth along the beach for hours, filling the air with the buzzing of wings and causing chaos on the coast.

Some Fearful, Others in Awe

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Redaktion93

While some people fled the scene, covering their heads and even screaming, not everyone was bothered by the sight. Some beachgoers stared in awe, pulled out their phone to film the moment, or even chased after the dragonflies in an attempt to catch one. 

Going Viral

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Dozens of videos were posted on social media, sharing the bizarre natural phenomenon with the world.

“Agog With the Sheer Number”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / wellphoto

“It was amazing. I was agog with the sheer number of them,” one North Providence resident told the Boston Globe. 

“Biblical” Comparisons

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Other witnesses and commenters referred to the strange sight as an “apocalypse,” “invasion,” and even “biblical,” comparing it to plagues of locusts mentioned in the Bible. 

“A Dragonfly Apocalypse”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / wellphoto

“I was enjoying a nice day at Misquamicut State Beach until we endured a dragonfly apocalypse,” another witness told the Boston TV station WCVB. 

Potential Migration Swarm

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Pavone

Dragonfly migrations are not unheard of in Rhode Island or wider North America. In fact, they tend to happen every year in late summer and early fall. 

A Rare Occurrence

Image Credit: Shutterstock / ViDI Studio

However, witnessing hundreds of thousands, and even millions, of dragonflies, swarming in one place is exceedingly rare, according to a 2021 interview with Virginia “Ginger” Brown, a Rhode Island biologist and dragonfly expert.

“Doesn’t Happen Every Day”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / wellphoto

“It doesn’t happen every day,” Brown said. “It’s just amazing and you might not see that again for six or seven years or more.”

A Miraculous Occasion

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“To be there at the right time and in the right place is a miracle,” she added. 

Possibly The Common Green Darner

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While the exact species of dragonfly was not identified in reports, it was likely to be the Common Green Darner, described as the “best-known migrant dragonfly,” according to the Vermont Center for Eco Studies.

Amazing Patterns at Misquamicut 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cast Of Thousands

These Green Darner dragonflies migrate in swarms of thousands and are the species most often responsible for these jaw-dropping sights, such as the one witnessed at Misquamicut Beach.

130 Species in Rhode Island

Image Credit: Shutterstock / EQRoy

There are approximately 130 different species of dragonflies that can be found in Rhode Island, and other species may accompany the Common Green Darner during their swarming flights.

Beginning in Early July

Image Credit: Pexels / Min An

Many dragonfly species, including the Green Darner, can begin migrating in early July through to October, and these times will vary depending on the species.

Biology Report on US Dragonfly Migration

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“Large groups will move south from Canada and the northern U.S. to Mexico and the Gulf coast. As they migrate, they will frequently stop to feed, and the journey can take several weeks. Cold fronts will also help propel them southward,” stated one University of Illinois biology report in 2022.

Other Reasons for Swarming

Image Credit: Pexels / Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto

Dragonfly swarms can also be the result of summer breeding, and disturbances to their feeding grounds, where smaller insect prey are relocated by weather and human activity.

As Many as Billions 

Image Credit: Pexels / Petr Ganaj

In particularly rare cases, these dragonfly swarms can include billions of individual insects. Witnesses to the scene at Misquamicut Beach reported seeing hundreds of dragonflies in the morning, and “millions” later in the day.

Striking Anxiety for Some

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cornelius Krishna Tedjo

As strange and extreme weather patterns have battered the US in recent years, with much of it being linked to climate change, it may be easy for some to be fearful of any unusual natural phenomena.

No Harm to Humans

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ritu Manoj Jethani

Fortunately, it appears that this shocking beach day display was not the result of concerning climate patterns or extreme summer temperatures. It should be noted that, no matter how large, dragonfly swarms do not pose a threat to humans.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ritu Manoj Jethani.