Volatile Volcano Spews Ashes and Gas as Tensions Rise in Nicaragua

Nicaragua might be facing a high risk of a volcanic eruption as space photographs reveal unsettling activity. 

The Volcanic Activity at a Glimpse

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While it wasn’t an eruption, the Nicaragua Stratvolcano has shown to cause concerns due to its most recent bursts of CO2 gas and other dangerous gases. Activity of this nature after so many years is causing fears. 

What is Momotombo? 

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The Composite Volcano aka Stratovolcano, Momotombo, has had a long existence and has been part of the norm in Nicaragua Central America. 

Making Headlines 

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Momotombo recently made headlines when satellite footage observed the gases coming out of it. 

Predictions of Possible Danger

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The latest activity poses a real danger for the people of Nicaragua as the volcano has had previous eruptions.

Previous Volcanic Eruptions

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Momotombo last erupted in 1905, after which the volcano only featured a number of “outbursts.” The gases blasting out of the volcano is a type of “outburst” that happened this year.


Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dimitri Tymchenko

Volcanic outbursts by the country’s native volcano occurred in 2015 and in 2021, with the most recent one in 2024. But according to experts, Momotombo has been “dorment” since the early 1900s. 

What’s the Difference: Outburst vs Eruption?

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The difference between volcanic eruptions and outbursts is in reference to volcanic activity. Seeing the volcano spew gasses and ash is more of an outburst, however, explosions of lava would be an eruption. 

The International Volcanic Health Hazard Network (IVHHN)

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According to the IVHHN, aerosols and the blend of gases emitted from an erupting volcano or a volcano having “outbursts,” are considered dangerous to health. 

Protective Procedures Against Toxic Gas

Image Credit: Pexel / Jani Kantokoski

The IVHHN said that people can use face masks with filters, respirators, gas filters, and gas masks to prevent the inhalation of toxic gases. 

Mass Carbon Dioxide

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Volcano gas is also said to contaminate and damage crops and vegetation. Some emitted close to 250 megatons of carbon dioxide, as recorded by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). 

A Different Volcano

Image Credit: Pexel / Jordan Corrales

The carbon dioxide in this example was from Pinatubo’s 1991 eruption in the Philippines. USGS reported it as “the second largest volcanic eruption of this century.” 

$100 Million in Damage 

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According to USGS the eruption of Pinatubo caused an estimated $100 million in damage. However, $250 million worth of properties were saved, as well as 5,000 recorded lives. 

Dangers To Low-Laying Regions 

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When volcanos emit toxic gas, it can become lethal at times. The USGS said that if concentrated high amounts of CO2 get to low-laying regions, it could cause fatalities to those exposed.  Fatality by CO2 can occur at 15% with a mix of other gases, as per the USGS. 

Sulfur Dioxide

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Apart from CO2, other gases from volcanoes include sulfur dioxide. Sulfur Dioxide SO2 is said to cause “acid rain” skin irritation and fatality,” according to the Environmental Protection Agency of U.S.A. (EPA). 

SO2 Frequently Occurs

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According to the EPA, sulfur dioxide SO2 is very common in “violently erupting” volcanos, and it can be present in the lava. 

Skin, Eye Irritation & More 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Budimir Jevtic

Sulfur dioxide also causes respiratory problems and can cause skin irritation and is harmful to membrane tissues in the eyes, nose, and mouth, the USGS said.

The Before & After Effect

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dimitri Tymchenko

The space images are said to have reported visibility of toxic gases and water vapor, to name a few. Reports also noted that volcano outbursts with gases can happen before and after an eruption but can happen years before or after the event. 

An Eruption Might Be on Its Way

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Matej Kastelic

Experts have concerns about an eruption due to come since it has been more than 100 years since it last erupted. According to the reported analysis of the photographs, the previous lava streams are still present. 

It’s Scary Tall 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Erik Klietsch

Momotomo stands 4199ft (1280m) tall, towering over a smaller volcano in the region called “Momotombito.”  

No Need for Panic Just Yet

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According to expert reports, the volcano might be spewing gasses, but it may not be ready to erupt just yet. There are allegedly more factors to observe and happen before the “public needs to be warned.” Until then, volcano experts are studying the majestic site and its every move. 

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Featured Image Credit: Pexel / Diego Girón.