Devastated By Denial: 20 Economic Impacts of Ignoring Climate Change in America

Ignoring climate change isn’t just an environmental issue—it’s an economic crisis unfolding right before our eyes. How will it affect your financial future? 1. Rising Insurance Premiums Climate-related damages are becoming more frequent and severe, leading insurers to raise premiums. In Florida alone, homeowners’ insurance rates have jumped by as much as 30% in 2023 due to increased hurricanes and …

21 Polarizing Climate Crisis Strategies Tearing America Apart

The climate battle in America isn’t just about rising temperatures—it’s a fierce political war. Red states and blue states have starkly different approaches to climate policy, and the results are shocking. Here’s how each side is handling the climate crisis—and why their strategies might be making things worse. 1. Texas’s Fossil Fuel Favoritism Texas has doubled down on fossil fuels, …

Americans Face the Wrath of Supercharged Climate Storms

As the planet warms, the power and frequency of hurricanes and tornadoes are reaching new heights. Are we prepared to face the growing wrath of these supercharged storms? 1. Warmer Ocean Surface Temperatures The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that rising sea temperatures are directly correlated with increased hurricane intensity. Warmer waters provide more energy, fueling storms that …

No Such Thing as ‘Non-GMO’ Food Says Science

Let’s cut through the hysteria: every piece of produce you’ve ever eaten is genetically modified, one way or another. So why the panic over foods not labeled as ‘non-GMO’?  1. Understanding Genetic Modification Genetic modification isn’t just about what happens in a lab; it’s been a part of agriculture for thousands of years through selective breeding. Crops like corn and …

Las Vegas or Lost Vegas? 18 Disaster’s Waiting to Happen in Nevada’s Climate Future

Nevada’s bright lights and booming growth come with a hefty environmental price tag. As Las Vegas expands and the state’s economy evolves, environmental threats are mounting, leaving Nevada’s future increasingly uncertain. Here’s a look at 18 pressing environmental challenges that could turn the glitz of Las Vegas into the lost dreams of Lost Vegas. 1. Water Scarcity Crisis Nevada faces …

Extreme Weather Rivals Some of the Worst Storms in History

Storms have always packed a punch, but as we look back at history’s most devastating ones, we can see how changes in our climate might be making them even worse. Here’s a rundown of some historic storms and how today’s changing climate could be upping their game. 1. Galveston Hurricane, 1900 Considered the deadliest storm in U.S. history, the Galveston …

California Burning: Political Decisions Fueling the State’s Climate Crisis

California’s wildfires are out of control, and many of the state’s political decisions have made things worse. Despite its green reputation, the state’s policies and budget choices are fueling an escalating climate crisis. Here’s a look at 18 political blunders that have ignited the flames, putting lives and property at risk. 1. Weakening of Fire Safety Regulations In recent years, …

Florida Flooded and Forgotten: 18 Political Battles Over Climate Change in Florida

Florida’s climate crisis isn’t just a natural disaster; it’s a political battleground. Here’s a breakdown of 18 decisions that have fueled Florida’s climate crisis, putting communities at risk and leaving many feeling abandoned. 1. Climate Change Denial in State Leadership Florida’s state leadership has been notorious for denying climate change, impacting policy effectiveness. Key figures have repeatedly downplayed climate risks, …

Millennials Could Be Too Tired to Save the Planet

It’s no secret that millennials have been handed a lot of global and societal issues to tackle. But amid the hustle to make ends meet and the relentless wave of crises, many millennials seem to have shifted their focus. Here’s a look at how they might be stepping back from the grand ambition of saving the world. 1. Shrinking Voter …

Baloney: 21 Scientific Facts Some Americans Aren’t Convinced By

Do you find yourself skeptical about what science claims to know? Let’s clear up some common misconceptions that you might have heard. 1. Climate Change Is Accelerating Think global warming is just a phase? Think again. The past five decades have seen faster temperature increases than any other period, mainly due to human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation. …