22 Lies Told About Renewables That Could Delay Climate Action

Why are we still fighting against renewable energy? Here are 22 lies that have been perpetuated to delay climate action, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Did you fall for any of these? 1. Renewables Are Too Expensive Some say renewables are unaffordable, but the cost of solar and wind power has dropped by 89% and 70% respectively since 2010. …

18 Ways a Carbon Footprint Tax Could Tackle the Climate Crisis

As climate change worsens, governments are scrambling for solutions, with a carbon tax high on the list. This tax will reach directly into your pocket, imposing costs that could reshape your daily life and financial future. We have to wonder, why do everyday citizens have to foot the bill while billionaires and industries continue their lavish excesses?  1. Increased Fuel …

21 Frightening Realities of Our Warming World

Skeptics may claim that climate change is a myth, but the facts are undeniable. Our world is experiencing unprecedented environmental changes that impact every aspect of life. Here are 21 compelling reasons that prove climate change is a serious reality. 1. Rising Global Temperatures Since the late 19th century, the Earth’s average surface temperature has risen by approximately 2.12 degrees …

Loud and Wrong: The Politicians and CEOs Blocking Climate Action

In the battle against climate change, some influential voices cast long shadows of doubt. These individuals, from politicians to business leaders, shape public opinion and policy with their skepticism. 1. Donald Trump Former President Donald Trump has consistently dismissed climate science, labeling it a “hoax.” Under his administration, the U.S. withdrew from the Paris Agreement, significantly impacting global climate efforts. …

Giant Asteroids: Are They a Risk to Our Planet?

Imagine the unthinkable: a colossal asteroid slamming into Earth. The stakes are astronomical, the consequences dire. How would this catastrophic event unfold, step by step, and what would be the fallout? 1. Detection and Initial Response Upon detection, space agencies would calculate the asteroid’s trajectory, providing potentially years of lead time. The global community would need to decide on deflection …

21 Signs We’ll Know When the Aliens Have Landed

The question of extraterrestrial life has haunted humanity for centuries. Today, a growing body of evidence from scientific observations and unexplained phenomena suggests that we might be sharing our planet with alien beings. Explore 21 scientifically supported signs that point to the presence of extraterrestrial beings right under our noses. 1. Verified UAP Incidents The U.S. Department of Defense and …

How EV Tires Wear Faster and Pollute Quicker

Electric vehicles (EVs) are celebrated as beacons of environmental progress, but did you know that their tires might tell a different story? Here’s how the very wheels that glide you past the gas station could be causing unexpected environmental headaches. 1. Increased Tire Wear Due to Vehicle Weight Electric vehicles are significantly heavier than their combustion engine counterparts, mainly due …

Science vs. Skepticism: The Battle Over Climate Facts

As the fight between eco warriors and climate deniers rages on, who’s truly moving the needle toward a sustainable future? What concrete impacts are each making? 1. Grassroots Movements Grassroots eco warriors have initiated over 5,000 environmental projects globally in the past year alone. Their efforts help reduce carbon emissions significantly at local levels. 2. Political Influence Climate deniers hold …

21 Ways America’s Climate Ignorance Endangers Us All

Are we really paying attention to what we’re doing to our planet? It seems like Americans are missing the mark on understanding the full scope of climate change. Here’s a hard look at how we’re turning a blind eye to the damage we’re causing. 1. Underestimating Sea Level Rise Many Americans still view rising sea levels as a distant issue, …