US Reservoirs Are Failing, Utility Companies Thirsty For Bill-Payers’ Dollars to Fix It

A new report has revealed the scary state of America’s water supply problems. America’s Thirst Trap America’s water reservoirs are in deep trouble – pardon the pun. New research has sounded the alarm about our water storage systems, which are shrinking and becoming unreliable faster than we thought.  Reservoirs on the Rocks Climate change is hitting hard, and our reservoirs …

Climate Change Action Could Put an End Next-Day-Delivery Demands

Have you gotten used to ordering stuff online and it coming the next day? Well, as Bob Dylan once put it, the times, they are a changin’. Is Fast Shipping on Its Last Legs? We’ve all grown to love the convenience of ordering online. Order something from anywhere in the nation, and you’re more than likely to be offered next-day …

Colorado Drilling Project Near Aurora Reservoir Sparks Outrage

Colorado Governor Jared Polis is under fire after a huge drilling project was approved in the state’s backyard.  Colorado’s Oil Bombshell In a move that’s sparking huge backlash, the Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) has just approved a hugely controversial large-scale drilling project near the Aurora Reservoir.  166 Wells, 32,000 Acres The plan by Denver-based company Crestone Resources, …

DeSantis’ Flip-Flop on Climate Change Amid Florida’s Extreme Weather

Interested in how Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ climate change stance has changed over time? Let’s take a look. Florida’s Weather Gone Wild Florida is currently in the grips of some of the most extreme weather ever seen in The Sunshine State. The first few months of the year began with the Florida Climate Center reporting that 2024 had the warmest …

Whitmer Crushed HOA: New Law Ends Power Over Green Upgrades

Gretchen Whitmer has just gone head-to-head with Michigan HOAs—so who came out on top? Huge Victory… Michigan homeowners just celebrated a major win with a new law signed by Governor. New Law Overrides HOA Restrictions From October 8, 2024, homeowner associations (HOAs) can no longer stop Michiganders from adding energy-efficient upgrades to their homes. Say goodbye to those annoying HOA …

California’s Healthcare and Businesses Hit Hard As Newsom’s Budget Comes Under Fire

Californian’s wallets could soon feel the pinch across the state, as Governor Gavin Newsom’s new budget has had a frosty welcome. Here are the full details. California’s Financial Crisis California’s financial situation has turned dire, and it’s forced Governor Gavin Newsom and Democratic lawmakers to make some drastic decisions.  Drastic Measures They’ve slashed $16 billion from the budget, declared a …

DeSantis’ Drastic Budget Cuts: Florida’s Arts Left in the Dark

Florida residents are reeling after Governor DeSantis’ latest round of budget cuts. Arts Funding Goes Dark Governor Ron DeSantis has just axed all state grant funding for the arts – about $32 million. This move has left dozens of arts organizations scrambling for alternative funding. Already reeling from the pandemic, these institutions are now facing a financial nightmare.  Sunshine State’s …

Louisiana Court Rules on Big Companies Polluting BAME Communities

A new court ruling in Louisiana has sparked outrage among civil rights advocates. Federal Court Drops a Bombshell on EPA’s Powers A federal court in Louisiana has thrown a wrench into the fight for environmental justice this week.  Pollution Knows No Color? In a controversial move, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana – led by Judge …