Nebraska’s Solar Surge: $62 Million Grant Powers New Green Initiative

A government initiative has granted a Nebraska non-profit $62 million to boost the solar power industry in the state. Solar Power Grant The clean energy industry in Nebraska looks to be on the brink of a new era thanks to a $62 million federal grant given to a nonprofit group based in the state.  Center for Rural Affairs Rewarded On …

Oil Dumping Scandal Rocks Ships Heading to New Orleans

Two shipping companies have been fined after knowingly hiding a large oil spill in the Atlantic Ocean. $2 Million Fine for Oil Waste Spill Two shipping companies have agreed to pay a $2 million fine in court after the motor tanker “PS Dream,” owned by the companies, dumped oil waste into the Atlantic Ocean on the path to New Orleans. …

Colorado Rejects “Unsafe” Sanctuary City Proposal

With increasing numbers of migrants arriving in Colorado, public officials have rejected any notion of the state becoming a sanctuary for migrants and asylum seekers.  No Room for Migration State, county, and city officials in Colorado are making it clear that they don’t want to become a haven for mass migration as illegal migrants and asylum seekers flood into the …