25 Reasons Veganism Is the Only Way to Save Our Planet

The world is facing a multitude of environmental crises, and diet is one of the most significant contributors. Could switching to a vegan lifestyle be the key to saving our planet? 1. Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions Livestock farming is responsible for 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Going vegan can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. 2. Saves Water Producing one …

25 Things We Love That Will Disappear If We Don’t Tackle Climate Change

Climate change is accelerating at an alarming rate, and if we don’t take immediate action, many aspects of our everyday lives will vanish. Here’s what we stand to lose. 1. Bees Bees are essential for pollinating many crops. Climate change and habitat loss threaten their populations, putting one-third of our food supply at risk, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts. 2. …

Mother to Sue UK Government Over Daughter’s Death, Caused By Air Pollution

10 years after the passing of her daughter, one mother is suing the UK government over the air London air pollution that contributed to the fatality. Fatal Pollution In 2013, 9-year-old Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah passed away from a fatal asthma attack. She would later become the first person in the UK to have air pollution recognized as a significant factor in …

21 Dire Consequences of Plastics in Our Oceans

Plastic pollution in our oceans is a catastrophe unfolding in real time, with dire consequences that are only getting worse. Here’s why this crisis should keep you up at night. 1. Mass Marine Life Deaths Over 100 million marine animals die each year from plastic waste. Turtles, for example, have a 50% mortality rate when they ingest plastic, mistaking it …

Skyrocketing Home Prices Shatter the American Dream

Home prices have continued to climb to record highs across the country, but how is that reflected in home sales and mortgage rates? Record High House Prices Home prices in the US hit a record high last month, with existing homes selling for a median price of $419,300, according to the National Association of Realtors.  Biggest Jump Since 2022 That …

A Long-Haul: Can American Big Rigs Go Electric Without Breaking the Bank?

As the world tackles eco-challenges, hybrids and electric vehicles have become a leading market. But how does the future hold up for decarbonizing long-hauls? The challenges are real, and here’s the story for U.S. heavy-duty trucks.  The Future Is Bright  Various companies in logistics and freight are considering electric vehicles to reduce their carbon footprint. The future looks bright, with …

New Jersey Is the Third-Fastest Warming State in the US, Yet Workers Remain Unprotected

And yet, outdoor laborers continue battling 90+ degrees heat while awaiting a bill to protect them from heat injuries “before workers die”. A Sizzling State Climate Central, a climate research nonprofit, recently conducted a study on how the rising heat is affecting Americans.  The result? New Jersey is officially the fastest-warming state in the entire Northeast United States (and the …

21 Opportunities Vegans Never Miss to Tell You They’re Vegan

Ever wondered why vegans feel compelled to announce their dietary choices at every turn? Is it a quest for attention or a desperate need for validation? 1. At a Restaurant Vegans love to make a spectacle of their order, ensuring everyone within earshot knows about their dietary restrictions. It’s like they’re waiting for applause for choosing the vegan option. 2. …

21 Places That Risk Being Obliterated By Climate Change

Climate change is not a distant threat; it’s here and now, reshaping our planet at an alarming rate. But which places are at the greatest risk, and what does that mean for us? Let’s explore the data and predictions for 21 locations facing a grim future. 1. Miami, Florida Miami is experiencing sea level rise at a rate of about …