Canada’s Wildfires Emit MORE Pollution Than 647 Million Cars

While you might think the world’s biggest worry when it comes to global warming is the number of cars in the world, as well as big countries like China, a new report is pointing to something a lot closer to home. Infernos of 2023 Wildfires in Canada last year pumped out more carbon dioxide than all the planes in the …

Californians Warned About Blistering July 4th Heatwave: “It Just Isn’t Going to Cool Off”

Although California is expecting triple-digit temperatures this weekend, experts warn of “longer-lasting heatwaves all over the world” 4th of July Frying? While millions of Americans are awaiting this year’s July 4th celebrations, Southern California is bracing for another heat wave – one that could introduce triple-digit temperatures to certain parts of the region.  Rising Heat The National Weather Service (NWS) …

20 Surprising Financial Benefits of an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Think sustainable living is just for environmentalists? Think again. Going green can actually save you a ton of cash without you even realizing it. Here are 20 easy ways sustainable choices can keep your wallet happy. 1. Switching to LED Bulbs LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs. You’ll save on …

25 Simple Ways to Live Greener Without Breaking the Bank

Living green doesn’t have to mean spending green. Here are 25 budget-friendly tips to help you save money while saving the planet. 1. Use Cloth Instead of Paper Switching to cloth napkins and towels can save money and reduce paper waste. Plus, they’re easy to wash and reuse. 2. DIY Cleaning Products Make your own cleaning products using vinegar, baking …

How to Craft a Budget That’s Good for You and the Planet

Creating a sustainable budget isn’t just about saving money—it’s about making choices that benefit both your finances and the environment. Here are 15 practical tips to help you craft a budget that’s as green as it is frugal. 1. Track Your Expenses Start by tracking every penny you spend for a month. Use apps like Mint or YNAB to categorize …

As US Braces for One Hot 4th of July, Biden’s Climate Plans Catch Fire

Democrats are already hot under the collar following a judge’s overturn of Biden’s LNG export pause The Heat Is On Americans who were hoping that the worst of the recent high temperatures had passed were left disappointed after the National Weather Service office in Hanford warned of a “dangerous, prolonged heat wave that will last several days with Extreme Heat …

20 Costs of Renewable Energy You Didn’t Know About

Renewable energy is often touted as the clean, inexhaustible fuel of the future, but what does it really cost? Here are some enlightening facts that might just reshape how you think about green energy. 1. Initial Investments Are High While renewable energy saves money over time, the initial costs for installation and setup are considerably higher than conventional energy sources. …

EVs Could Be Just a ‘Fad’ As Sales Slump in America

While Tesla cut prices on their vehicles, other car manufacturers like Ford also dialed back on the production of their EVs (Electric Vehicles). What’s causing EV sales and manufacturing to be so slack these days? Find out what’s happening in the EV market in this post.  EV Cars Are the Future  Electric cars (EVs) may seem like the future of …

We Must Act Now: 21 Proofs Climate Change Is NOT a Hoax

Skeptics may claim that climate change is a myth, but the facts are undeniable. Our world is experiencing unprecedented environmental changes that impact every aspect of life. Here are 21 compelling reasons that prove climate change is a serious reality. 1. Rising Global Temperatures Since the late 19th century, the Earth’s average surface temperature has risen by approximately 2.12 degrees …

Biden vs Trump: Who’ll Destroy Our Planet Least?

When it comes to green policies, the differences between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are like night and day. Both have laid out their environmental visions, but who truly has the best plan for our planet? 1. Rejoining the Paris Agreement Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, showing a commitment to global emissions reductions. Trump exited the …