20 States Leading the Charge in Climate Action in the U.S.

With climate change becoming an increasingly pressing issue, some U.S. states are taking the lead with innovative and ambitious climate policies. Here are 20 states making significant strides in climate action, detailing how they’re doing it and the key players involved. 1. California California has set a target for 100% clean electricity by 2045 and is actively phasing out gasoline-powered …

21 Ways Americans Are Irreversibly Destroying the Planet

It’s time to face the facts: Americans are contributing massively to the planet’s destruction. Here’s how you, yes YOU, are playing a part in this irreversible damage. 1. Driving Everywhere You love your car, but all that driving is pumping out tons of CO2. Your daily commutes and road trips are choking the atmosphere and accelerating climate change. 2. Wasting …

The True Cost of Non-Eco Living: 20 Hidden Expenses

It’s easy to ignore the consequences of our actions, but your non-eco-friendly choices have real, human costs. These impacts aren’t just theoretical—they’re affecting people right now. Here are 20 ways your habits are hurting others. 1. Health Impacts from Air Pollution Your reliance on fossil fuels contributes to air pollution, leading to asthma, heart disease, and lung cancer. Children and …

21 Problems With Climate Change Denial

Climate change denial isn’t just about ignoring science—it’s about jeopardizing our future. How are we allowing this to happen, and what are the real consequences of turning a blind eye? 1. Misunderstanding Scientific Data Many climate deniers misinterpret short-term weather patterns as evidence against long-term climate trends. This creates a false narrative that confuses the public and stalls necessary action. …

Choked: 20 Most Polluted States in America

Are you aware of how your state ranks in terms of pollution? Here’s a look at the top 20 most polluted states in the U.S., focusing on specific companies and industries contributing to the pollution and the politicians who are playing key roles. 1. Louisiana – Cancer Alley The industrial region known as “Cancer Alley” stretches from Baton Rouge to …

Travel Green: 10 Affordable Eco-Friendly Destinations

Looking for a way to travel that’s kind to your wallet and the planet? How about exploring destinations that blend sustainability with affordability? #1. Asheville, North Carolina This vibrant city is a haven for eco-conscious travelers, boasting organic farms and a plethora of green lodging options. Asheville’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its local businesses and community gardens. #2. …

The Green Globe-Trotter’s Guide for Sustainable Journeys

Ready to see the world without leaving too big a footprint? Check out these ten tips to keep your travels green and guilt-free! 1. Pack Light and Pack Right Traveling light isn’t just easier on your back; it’s also easier on the planet. Less weight means less fuel consumption during your travels. Opt for a versatile wardrobe and eco-friendly products. …

Vermont’s Wealth Tax: A Historic Effort to Redistribute Wealth

Vermont is introducing a historic bill that would see a rise in tax payments from its wealthier residents in an attempt to fund issues brought on by the wide financial inequality in the state. Vermont’s Progressive Stance on Wealth Tax Vermont has introduced two bills aiming to impose wealth taxes on its wealthiest residents in its latest progressive act to …

20 Eye-Opening Realities Facing Retiring Baby Boomers

As the Baby Boomer generation approaches retirement, the promise of golden years filled with leisure and security seems more like a pipe dream for many. This demographic faces unique challenges that could redefine what it means to retire. Here’s a stark look at the realities shaping the retirement outlook for one of America’s largest generations. 1. Delayed Retirement An estimated …

Is the 100-Year Mortgage A New Hope for the American Dream?

Real estate mogul and author Grant Cardone predicted that the future of homeownership will look drastically different sooner rather than later. Is Homeownership a Pipe Dream for the Average American? In an economy that has seen home prices double in some areas over the past few years, Americans who wish to become homeowners are running out of options.  Interest Rates …