Earth’s Enemy Within: 21 Ways Americans Are Ruining Our Planet

It’s time to face the facts: Americans are contributing massively to the planet’s destruction. Here’s how you, yes YOU, are playing a part in this irreversible damage. 1. Driving Everywhere You love your car, but all that driving is pumping out tons of CO2. Your daily commutes and road trips are choking the atmosphere and accelerating climate change. 2. Wasting …

Endangering Tomorrow: The True Consequences of Climate Ignorance

Climate change denial isn’t just about ignoring science—it’s about jeopardizing our future. How are we allowing this to happen, and what are the real consequences of turning a blind eye? 1. Misunderstanding Scientific Data Many climate deniers misinterpret short-term weather patterns as evidence against long-term climate trends. This creates a false narrative that confuses the public and stalls necessary action. …

Greenwashed: The Climate Betrayal by Democrats and Republicans Alike

Are you worried about our planet’s future? You should be. Democrats claim to fight climate change, but they’re falling short in many ways. Here’s how they’re letting us down, and why the Republican alternative might be even worse. 1. Watered-Down Legislation The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was meant to be a game-changer but key components like the Clean Electricity Performance …

Silent Extinction: How Your Choices Contribute to Species’ Demise

It’s easy to ignore the consequences of our actions, but your non-eco-friendly choices have real, human costs. These impacts aren’t just theoretical—they’re affecting people right now. Here are 20 ways your habits are hurting others. 1. Health Impacts from Air Pollution Your reliance on fossil fuels contributes to air pollution, leading to asthma, heart disease, and lung cancer. Children and …

Florida Has Gone Backwards in Climate Change – Why?

Are you worried about how Florida is handling climate change? You should be. Despite being one of the most vulnerable states to climate impacts, recent actions suggest Florida is taking steps backward. Here’s why. 1. Overhaul of State Energy Laws Florida lawmakers are moving to eliminate references to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from state energy laws. This includes banning offshore …

Stay Indoors: Authorities Stern Warning While Wildfires Ravage California

Residents are urged to protect themselves as wildfires near LA consume over 15,600 acres.  Fueled by Strong Winds  Over 1,000 people were evacuated due to wildfires northwest of Los Angeles scorching up thousands of acres of land. This comes after a weekend of strong winds chased the flames along Interstate 5. A Manic Monday  Helping the fire along was the …

20 Ways Oil Companies Are Laughing All the Way to the Bank Under Biden

Joe Biden may have come into office with bold promises on climate action, but oil companies have found ways to thrive. How exactly have these giants managed to profit? Let’s dig into the specifics. 1. Record High Oil Production Despite Biden’s climate promises, U.S. oil production hit a record 13.3 million barrels per day in 2023. This level of production …

20 Ways Biden Could Get Hot on Climate Change in a Second Term

Joe Biden’s approach to climate change in a potential second term is already shaping up to be ambitious and critical, reflecting a continuation and expansion of his first-term policies. How will “Sleepy Joe” affect the average Joe, and can he deliver on his climate promises? 1. Enhanced Transmission Grid Biden aims to enhance the electrical grid to manage the influx …

How Trump and Biden Compare on Climate Issues

When it comes to climate policy, the contrast between Donald Trump and Joe Biden couldn’t be starker. Both have had four years to leave their mark—so what have they done about climate change, and what does it mean for the next election? 1. Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement Donald Trump famously withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, …

21 Reasons Americans Are Choosing Not to Have Children in a World Like This One

Hoping to become a grandparent or parent? Maybe think again. The world we’re living in today is making many Americans seriously reconsider the idea of having children.  1. Climate Change Extreme weather events are becoming the norm. Heatwaves, wildfires, and floods are just the tip of the iceberg. Bringing a child into a world facing such environmental chaos seems increasingly …