Trump’s Tip Tax Elimination Sparks Debate Among Service Workers

Donald Trump is pushing through with his plan to eliminate federal taxes for service workers’ tips – but not everyone is impressed.  What About the Rest? It might be a clear appeal for the younger working class’s votes, but former President Donald Trump has encountered critics stating that his plan offers little relief to workers and could result in bigger …

Scandal at Adidas China: Senior Execs Accused of Bullying and Kickbacks

Senior managers accused of bullying and receiving “millions in cash” in kickbacks  Bribery Abroad? Athletic apparel brand Adidas has opened an investigation in China after receiving a letter from anonymous whistleblowers accusing senior executives in the country of “compliance violations”.  An Inside Job The news broke last week on the Chinese state media outlet Jiemian, which stated that the letter, …

DeSantis Axes $32 Million in Arts Grants, Devastating Florida’s Cultural Scene

Florida residents are reeling after Governor DeSantis’ latest round of budget cuts. Arts Funding Goes Dark Governor Ron DeSantis has just axed all state grant funding for the arts – about $32 million. This move has left dozens of arts organizations scrambling for alternative funding. Already reeling from the pandemic, these institutions are now facing a financial nightmare.  Sunshine State’s …

Californians Will See 34% Surge in Home Insurance Rates If DOI Approves Latest Request

Property insurance premiums have spiked in California, placing further burden on homeowners in environmentally unstable regions, and provoking a call for California to declare a state of emergency. Property Insurance Crisis California is in the midst of a property insurance crisis, as homeowners across the state are looking down the barrel of massive price hikes this year due to extreme …

20 Ways America’s Military Is Worsening Pollution

When we defend our freedoms, we have to wonder: are we hurting our planet to save our homeland? War is often said to protect us, but it also harms our environment a lot. Let’s examine how American military actions contribute to pollution and question if the environmental cost is too high for our freedom.  1. Fuel Guzzling by Military Jets …

Will Trump Finally Restore the American Dream?

Is Trump’s vision for America a blueprint for prosperity, or a recipe for economic misadventure? Let’s explore whether these policies are paving a road to success or setting up detours that could lead us off a cliff. 1. Dubious Economic Growth Tax cuts are often celebrated as economic fuel, but at what cost? Piling on an estimated $10 trillion to …

21 Reasons Weather Modification Needs to Stop

Could messing with Mother Nature via weather modification do more harm than good? Here’s why tinkering with the skies might not be the silver bullet for our climate woes. 1. Unpredictable Outcomes Weather systems are inherently complex, and tinkering with them can lead to unexpected, possibly drastic consequences. The sheer unpredictability is a gamble we might regret. 2. Ecological Disruption …

20 Ways Ignorance Is Killing America

Ignorance isn’t just a personal shortfall; it’s a public hazard. Here are 20 devastating ways that lack of knowledge and misinformation are harming the United States: 1. Climate Change Denial Ignoring the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change exacerbates severe weather events, rising sea levels, and catastrophic environmental degradation. In 2020, climate-related disasters cost the U.S. $95 billion. 2. Vaccine …

Retail Massacre: Walgreens Closes 600+ Stores, Falling Victim to Inflation

Walgreens is one of the latest companies to be struck down by the challenges of inflation. American families and company owners are all facing a similar fate. Here’s what happened.  Closing Doors To Survive  The spokesperson for Walgreens has announced the company’s plan to close almost 700 branches throughout the country because of inflation costs.  Underperforming Dangers  There are a …

America’s Arrogance: 21 Ways We Went Wrong With Climate Change

Are we facing a heated future because of past mistakes? Here’s a look at where we specifically dropped the ball on climate change, complete with missteps in policy, key events, and missed opportunities. 1. Ignoring Early Warnings Despite clear warnings from scientists like James Hansen, who testified before Congress in 1988 about global warming, policy actions have been lackluster. This …