From Smog to Solar: China Ironically Takes the Global Lead in Clean Energy Industry

China has been dominating in the clean energy industry. Now, Western countries must figure out how to navigate a changing market, balancing environmental goals with concerns of economic protection.

The Rise of China

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China is on the rise as a clean energy leader. Companies like Tongwei Group, which used to produce fish and livestock feed, is one the leading companies dominating the global solar cell market and driving China’s progress to the top of the market.

Dominance in Solar

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China has made a name for itself in the social panel industry, producing nearly 80% of the world’s solar panels. On the opposite side, the United States only makes around 2% of the global supply, making China the key player in this energy transition.

Electric Vehicles and Batteries

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In the electric vehicle and lithium-ion battery market, China is once again at the top. The country produces nearly 60% of the world’s supply, which is largely made possible because of state support.

Clean Energy Technology

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In the clean energy industry, China’s technology reigns supreme. Chinese manufacturing of wind turbines, along with its strengths in solar and battery technologies, have allowed the country to become a global market leader.

The Importance of Silicon Wafers

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China’s advantage in the solar energy industry comes largely from the country’s control of over 95% of the world silicon wafer production. In fact, China almost has a complete monopoly over this production.

China’s Role in Combating Climate Change

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As the world continues to make efforts toward reducing carbon emissions, China’s investments in renewable energy are crucial. The country’s ability to produce large quantities is useful; in building sustainable infrastructure.

China’s Clean Energy Leadership

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As the world shifts and China continues to lead the mission for clean energy, there could be more movement away from fossil fuels. However, at the same time, there are geopolitical and economic concerns.

Concerns from the West

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The U.S. and Europe in particular and worried about China’s new dominance in clean energy. They believe that Chinese products could run their own productions out of the competition.

Threat of a Trade War

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There is the potential for a trade war centered on clean energy technology. This would be a tragic turn, pinning environmental and economic goals against each other.

Potential Retaliation

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At the same time, China has been known for combating these trade escalations in the solar panel and mineral industries. This time might similarly lead to economic retaliation.

U.S. Response to Chinese Growth

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For the time being, the U.S. has started investigating Chinese trade practices. American officials believe Chinese companies have an unfair advantage because of subsidies.

The European Response

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Many European leaders feel the same way. Some officials have suggested increasing the tariffs on Chinese clean energy products in order to protect industries in their own countries.

Economic Shift in China

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Clean energy has become a huge plus for China’s economy, as other traditional industries have slowed down. State subsidies and support have likely helped these clean energy companies to quickly develop and gain a foothold in the global markets.

The Role of Subsidies

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Because of these government subsidies, companies have been able to lower their costs and hence, become more competitive in the markets. This has been important for spreading clean energy technology around and promoting sustainability.

China and the West Collaboration

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Many experts have hypothesized that China, the U.S., and European countries would be better off working together. Economics aside, the goals for a cleaner future are shared among the nations, making this effort seem like a good idea.

Can China Save the World on Its Own?

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Unfortunately, as U.S. and European countries grapple with the sacrifice they’re willing to make in the name of sustainability, China continues to dominate. Without the West, however, China will not be able to break the current cycle of fossil fuel dependency.

The Cost of Breaking China’s Dominance

Image Credit: Pexel / Julius Silver

If Western countries opted to create their own alternatives to current Chinese clean energy products, it would cost them trillions of dollars. We are currently highly dependent on many Chinese imports.

Challenges for the U.S.

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The U.S. has struggled to compete with China’s low-cost and large-scale renewable energy strategies. Even with a semiconductor leadership, we are still behind in many ways.

Excessive Competition in China

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It’s becoming more clear that there may be potential for overcapacity in the Chinese market because of too much competition and quick expansion of how much is being produced.

The Dominance Dance

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The future will be telling. As we try to gain dominance in the clean energy sphere, we’re simultaneously trying not to set-back our long-term sustainability goals. Chinese expansion in the industry, as well as Western attempts to thwart it, will be telling about the future of green energy.

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