Harlem New York Leads on Affordable, Eco-Homes

East Harlem is leading by example, utilizing energy-efficient resources to keep residents comfortable throughout the year. Sendero Verde’s making a name for itself. 

Bringing Affordable and Cost-Effective Living to America

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Harlem, NY, has recently become a hub for housing development and affordable green living even for low-income families. One particular building has already stood out, and residents are a testament to how pleasant it has been. 

De Casa La “Sendero Verde”

Image Credit: Pexel / Pixabay

Sendero Verde, which roughly translates to “green path,” is the beacon of efficiency for the residents.  The block of apartments comprises 709 units featuring studios, one-bedroom, two, and three-bedroom apartments. 

It Has Lots To Offer  

Image Credit: Pexel / Max Vakhtbovycn

The apartment block was built with energy saving at the core of the plans. Each unit is set up with “high-efficiency HVAC systems, LVT eco flooring, and large windows for natural light and warmth. 

Additional Temperature Control With Window Treatment

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

Residents can also adjust natural temperature and light by using window treatments like shutters, curtains, or blinds.

Stylish Modernity

Image Credit: Pexel / Terry Magallanes

Furthermore, residents of Sendero Verde also enjoy a modern interior look, as it’s designed with contemporary finishes, modern cabinets in the kitchen, neutral tones and accents, programable thermostats, and great-looking electric ovens and gas-top stoves. 

Clean Air and Natural Thermo-Control

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

The building uses triple-glazed windows for eco-friendly insulation during warm or cold seasons. The apartments have built-in special air filtration systems that purify outdoor air coming into the home.  

Smart Natural Innovation

Image Credit: Pexel / Fernanda Latronico

The “high-performance windows” and “airtight facade” keep drafts and noise out of the apartments. Phoebe Saldana, a resident of  Sendero Verde, said “it’s peaceful” and “very comfortable” to live in the apartment block, according to The Guardian.  

Energy Saving Appliances

Image Credit: Shutterstock / goodluz

Energy Star Efficiency Electric appliances are fitted throughout the units. Families can have peace of mind with a lower utility bill. Not only is the place comfortably decent in size, but it’s also ideal for being amid bustling New York City. 

 A Fresh Start for All 

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Saldana had previously been living with her two daughters in a local shelter. She recently had the opportunity to move into the apartment, and she’s never looked back. She and her girls enjoy the amenities and benefits of the eco-apartments. The utilities are much lower compared to non-passive homes.

Amenities for All 

Image Credit: Pexel / William Choquette

The apartments are expanding, and a second phase is in progress. The amenities include a play area for children, a community room, a study lounge, a fitness center, a landscaped courtyard, on-site management, and a laundry facility.  

Tackling Housing & Reducing Carbon Footprints 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Halfpoint

Sendero Verde was not only built with the planet and environment in mind, it was also built to help house people who can’t afford homes. The apartment houses low-income and previously homeless people. 

Power to the People

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Piyapong Wongkam

Jonathan Rose, a developer who worked on the Sendero Verde project, said they wanted to “create a community of opportunity” by giving people more for their money. Through passive housing, they were able to provide the residents with “as much resilience as possible.”

Beautiful Affordable Homes

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The president of the Community Preservation Corporation, Sadie McKeown, said that Sendero Verde is the perfect example of how “affordable housing should be developed.” 

Good for the People, Good for Nature

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

McKeown added that building with a “passive housing” module at the core of the project benefits not only the tenants or homeowners living there but also the environment. Harlem’s newest addition, completed in April this year, leads by an excellent example for neighboring cities. 

Extreme Heat Can Be Dangerous 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Zigres

Heat stress has become a very dangerous concern in regions experiencing higher-than-normal temperatures in the United States. Sometimes, heat stress can lead to fatality, which the extreme weather has already caused in some areas. 

Global Warming 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / FotoKina

The Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) show the dangers and side effects of heat stress have steadily increased over the years. It’s said that global warming is the direct cause of temperatures spiking and other extreme weather. 

Comfortable Temperatures for Less

Image Credit: Pexel / Andrea Piacquadio

Passive housing helps regulate temperatures for hot and cold weather. Indoor temperatures are naturally controlled as much as possible before relying on electric appliances like thermostats and HVACs to get the job done. 

On a Mission To Build Passive Homes

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According to the Guardian, New York is reportedly certified with nearly 2,000 passive houses and plans to build more. The U.S. State had invested $15 million in funds to help build about 3,000 low-cost, passive homes in the Big Apple, reports said. 

Expensive To Build but Worth It

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Deemerwha studio

Passive houses are more expensive to build than their non-passive counterparts. However, it is a long-term investment that could potentially increase in value. 

Make the First Step

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Eak.Temwanich

Making a difference in the environment starts with the people and building passive houses with all its eco-friendly possibilities is a step in the right direction. 

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Maciej Bledowski.

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