Olympics on Thin Ice: Climate Change Threatens the Future of Sports Events

Climate change and rising temperatures may well affect every facet of our lives – and according to the International Olympic Committee president, the Summer Olympic Games are no exception.

Olympic Changes

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The international Olympic Games have changed rapidly in the last few decades, and this year’s Paris Olympics has only made those changes more stark, as controversy and speculation swirl around the opening ceremony and individual athletes.

IOC President Speaks on Climate Change

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However, there is another major that Olympic hosts, athletes, and viewers will have to contend with in the future, according to the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) President Thomas Bach: and that is climate change.

Conference Questions

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During an Olympic press conference on Friday, Bach made allusions to the possibility that ‘anthropogenic’ climate change – changes in the global climate system caused by human actions – could affect the scheduling of future Olympic Games.

If Climate Change Continues

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“If the climate change is continuing in a way that the experts are forecasting it then it will be very difficult to organize Olympic Games in summer, in August,” Bach said, as reported by Robert Livingstone of GamesBids.

No More Summer Olympics?

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In some parts of the world, summer months could reach such high daily temperatures that it would be implausible – and potentially unsafe – for Olympic athletes to perform and spectators to congregate outdoors during the hottest parts of the year. 

Future Discussions

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Bach explained that the IOC and the future Summer Olympics hosts would need to come together to consider whether the typical July-August dates would work for the Games.

Middle-Eastern Countries Weigh in

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The questions were asked in reference to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as both countries are being touted as possible bidders for future Olympic Games. 

Risky Summer Climate

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Given their geographic location, both Middle Eastern countries would be at an even higher risk of excess summer temperatures, potentially ruling out a summer event.

FIFA Scheduling Changes

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It was also posed in connection to the 2022 FIFA World Cup. FIFA shifted the dates for the event, which was hosted in Qatar, to the end of autumn to help avoid sweltering summer temperatures.

Relevant to Everyone

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However, Bach went out of his way to deny that these potential changes would be related to bids from Middle Eastern nations but instead could be relevant to the future of the Olympic Games in any country.

“Regardless of Where the Games Are Taking Place”

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“We have to sit together, and regardless of where the Games are taking place to see whether the calendar has to be adapted, adjusted to climate change and global warming and the same is already true for the Winter Games,” he continued.

Already Some Changes

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Bach also pointed out that the IOC had “seen this already,” in terms of needing to change some scheduling for Olympic events due to temperature changes.

Tokyo Olympics

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During the 2020 Olympic Games, the IOC and World Athletics chose to move the Olympic marathon from Tokyo, where the main Games were being held, to Sapporo, so runners could avoid excess heat.

Heatstroke and Fainting

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During the Tokyo Olympics, summer temperatures reached the highest of any Games to date, according to CNN weather reports. Some athletes collapsed due to excess heat, others experienced mild heatstroke, and high-profile athletes like Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic called out the “brutal” conditions.

Morning Marathon Changes

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This year the Paris Olympics also shifted the times of the morning marathons to give athletes a chance to start at a cooler time in the morning. 

No Serious Issues

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Fortunately, the Paris Olympic Games and its athletes have not suffered any major impacts as a result of the summer heat. 

True for All International Federations

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It isn’t only the Olympics and FIFA who will have to take climate change into consideration during event planning. “This is not only true for us,” Bach added. “This is true for the entire calendar of the international federations.”

No Concrete Indications Yet

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So far, there is no indication of whether climate change-related temperature changes will affect scheduling for the next Olympic Games.

LA and Brisbane

Image Credit: Pexel / Paul Deetman

The next Games have already been confirmed for July 2028, in Los Angeles, California, and the 2032 Olympic Games will be held in Brisbane, Australia, across July and August. 

Unlikely to Affect the Australian Games

Image Credit: Pexel / Catarina Sousa

While the timing for the LA Games is unclear, rising temperatures are unlikely to affect the Brisbane Games as they will be held during the winter and spring months for the Southern Hemisphere nation. 

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / lev radin.