21 Industrial Upcycled Furniture Ideas

21 Industrial Upcycled Furniture Ideas

Check out some of the things people are doing to repurpose old industrial furniture Industrial Style trends for the home conjures up images of vast open spaces, exposed brick walls and concrete floors; converted warehouses or trendy loft spaces with floor to ceiling windows overlooking cityscapes.  Examples of industrial style include exposed architectural features, heavy-duty galvanised steel and metal fixtures …

Best Sustainable Home Office Furniture

Best Sustainable Home Office Furniture 

See what to look out for when choosing the best furniture for your home office With more hybrid working becoming the normal working practice for many thousands of people, it is unsurprising that sales of home office equipment have increased. Gone are the days of the makeshift desk on the corner of the kitchen table or resting the laptop and …

Best Sustainable Materials for Furniture 

Best Sustainable Materials for Furniture

See some of the most eco-friendly materials used to make contemporary furniture & accessories In 2020, UK households purchased approximately £14.4 billion worth of furniture and furnishing, an increase on the previous year of roughly one and a half billion pounds.  And with more furniture being imported than manufactured at home, the carbon footprint is also increasing, which means we …

10 Best Places To Sell Upcycled Furniture

10 Best Places To Sell Upcycled Furniture

Check out 10 of the best places to turn your passion into a business and sell your upcycled furniture Whether it’s to be upcycled, refurbished, or restyled, saving landfill-bound furniture from the scrap heap and turning it into a bespoke item of re-useable furniture is great for the environment and be good for your pocket too.  So with an increase …