Kamala Harris Changes Her Mind on Fracking Decision

But as she changes her tune, Harris has received backing from multiple ‘green groups’ that are VERY anti-fracking – so, how will this play out? 

To Frack or Not to Frack 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Daniel Hernandez-Salazar

As the Presidential race for the White House continues, Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to put her own spin on big matters that range from abortion and the economy to immigration and climate matters.

Speaking of climate matters, during Harris’ 2020 campaign, she announced her enthusiastic support for the banning of fracking.

But since late July, Harris has reversed her stance on this important issue.  

What Is It? 

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Fracking is the technique that extracts oil and gas from shale rocks by injecting the rocks with a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals. 

This process has boosted America’s natural production during the last 15 years, turning the country into a leading example in the field of oil- and gas production. 

What’s the Problem? 

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However, fracking has severe environmental impacts as it produces planet-warming fossil fuels. The process has also been linked to earthquakes and pollution.

And according to a 2022 study, it was found that children living near fracking sites had more chance of being diagnosed with leukaemia. 

They Need to Talk 

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According to Jeff Nobers, executive director of the Builders Guild of Western Pennsylvania, a union located outside Pittsburgh, “She really needs to have face-to-face conversations with union leaders in the areas most affected by this and go on the record of being a supporter and proponent of natural gas — not just someone who won’t ban fracking.” 

A Not-So-Green State 

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Pennsylvania is the second-biggest gas-producing state in the US. 

Regarded as a crucial swing state for the November elections, the energy sector accounted for 4.6% of its entire workforce in 2022 – the same year that about 18,000 Pennsylvanians were employed in fuel extraction. 

A Sensitive Topic 

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As stated by Jon Reinish, a national Democratic strategist: “Fracking is a central part, a foundational part, a significant portion of Pennsylvania’s economy. The economic argument is going to be extremely significant nationally, and in the States, it’s the top issue on voters’ minds.” 

Not Looking Good 

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And if Harris intends to proceed with her previous support of banning fracking, “it’s not going to play well in states like Pennsylvania,” says Samuel Chen, a Pennsylvania-based Republican strategist.

Not All Agree 

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But not everyone believes that Harris’ reversal on fracking will lead to big changes in her presidential campaign. 

Take, for instance, Pennsylvania-based Democratic strategist Mike Mikus, who doubted that Harris’ change of stance would negatively impact the state. 

Same With Biden? 

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Mikus pointed out that President Biden faced similar criticisms by Republicans. And unlike Harris, Biden has not shown any support for the banning. 

“The Republicans have always used this as an attack regardless of whether that was a candidate’s position — it’s like the boy who cried wolf,” Mikus claimed in his interview with The Hill. “It became an attack that never stuck.”  

Backing From Green Groups 

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Interestingly, various hardline climate groups that are against fracking are now throwing their support behind Harris. 

An Influx of Support 

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Even after Harris told The Hill last Friday that she’s no longer opposed to the practice, 350.org, Friends of the Earth, the Center for Biological Diversity, Food and Water Watch, Climate Hawks Vote, Clean Water Action, and the Green New Deal Network have all offered their endorsements.

Harris, Not Biden 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kim Wilson

None of these groups had endorsed President Joe Biden before he dropped out of the 2024 race.

 Not a Word 

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Thus far, no comments have been received by representatives for Harris’ campaign, 350.org, Friends of the Earth, the Center for Biological Diversity, Climate Hawks Vote, Clean Water Action, or the Green New Deal Network.

A Running Mate? 

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But Harris’ recent opinion change might just provide an opening for a running mate in the form of Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro.

But Why? 

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That’s because some Democratic Party allies worry that Harris’ fracking reversal leaves her vulnerable in the state. 

Thus, they reckon, her best chance now is someone like Shapiro who has found a position between opposing views in Pennsylvania. 

Quite Popular 

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According to Nobers, Harris would “probably win” the state of Pennsylvania with Shapiro as her running mate since the governor enjoys close ties with unions in the state.  

The Perfect Partner? 

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Shapiro has reached a settlement on fracking regulations with a prominent gas producer in Pennsylvania. In addition, he has openly condemned Biden’s move to halt exports from new liquefied natural gas projects. 

Going Green 

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However, during his tenure as attorney general and now as state governor, Shapiro has worked to reinforce health- and environmental regulations for fracking activities. 

A Helpful Source 

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According to Celinda Lake, the president of Lake Research Partners and a principal pollster for Biden’s 2020 campaign, a poll conducted last year revealed voters credited the advantages of the bipartisan infrastructure law more to Shapiro than to the Biden-Harris administration.

“People in his state really like him,” Lake added. “There’s no question he could help in his state.” 

At the End of the Day…

Image Credit: Shutterstock / AndriiKoval

Fracking or no fracking, if Harris wins the 47th US President, she will need to establish one of the most important climate objectives early in her term: determining the extent to which the US will decrease its climate emissions by 2035, as mandated by the Paris Climate Agreement.

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