Two Climate Approaches: What Trump and Biden Have Done

When it comes to climate policy, the contrast between Donald Trump and Joe Biden couldn’t be starker. Both have had four years to leave their mark—so what have they done about climate change, and what does it mean for the next election?

1. Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement

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Donald Trump famously withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, claiming it undermined U.S. economy and sovereignty.

2. Rejoining the Paris Agreement

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Joe Biden prioritized rejoining the Paris Agreement on his first day in office, signaling a commitment to global climate efforts and international cooperation.

3. Rollback of Environmental Regulations

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Trump’s administration rolled back numerous environmental protections, including significant cuts to regulations aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and vehicles.

4. Infrastructure Bill Investment

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Biden’s administration pushed the Infrastructure Bill, which includes significant funding for climate resilience and clean energy projects, aiming to reduce emissions and promote sustainability.

5. Promotion of Fossil Fuels

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Trump promoted the expansion of oil and gas drilling and relaxed restrictions on coal mining, celebrating these sectors as crucial economic drivers.

6. Electric Vehicle Push

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Biden has made substantial investments in electric vehicle infrastructure, including funding for EV charging stations as part of his broader plan to boost electric car usage.

7. Environmental Policy Enforcement

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Under Trump, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) saw significant budget cuts and a reduction in enforcement actions against polluters, which critics argue weakened the agency’s ability to regulate industries.

8. Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions

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Biden set ambitious targets for reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, aiming to cut them in half by 2030 compared to 2005 levels.

9. Support for Coal Industry

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Trump was a vocal supporter of the coal industry, rolling back Obama-era policies that sought to reduce dependence on coal for electricity generation.

10. Conservation Efforts

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Biden expanded protections for public lands and waterways, reversing Trump’s rollbacks and aiming to conserve 30% of U.S. lands and waters by 2030.

11. Climate Science Denial

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Trump openly criticized and expressed skepticism towards climate science, often contradicting scientific consensus on the urgency of climate issues.

12. Climate Summit Leadership

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Biden hosted a Leaders’ Climate Summit early in his presidency to reassert U.S. leadership on global climate action, inviting 40 world leaders to participate in the virtual event.

13. Keystone XL Pipeline

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Trump revived the Keystone XL pipeline project, which had been blocked due to environmental concerns, as part of his broader energy dominance agenda.

14. Support for Renewable Energy

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Biden’s policies have actively supported the expansion of renewable energy sources, setting the stage for a significant shift in U.S. energy production toward wind and solar.

15. Environmental Justice

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Brandon Stivers

Trump’s policies often overlooked environmental justice issues, disproportionately affecting low-income and minority communities.

16. Methane Emissions Regulations

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Biden reinstated and proposed stricter regulations on methane emissions for the oil and gas sector, reversing Trump’s rollbacks which had loosened these controls.

17. Public Opinion on Climate Change

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Trump’s rhetoric often reinforced climate change skepticism among his supporters, affecting public opinion and policy support within his base.

18. International Climate Initiatives

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Biden has reengaged with international bodies on climate change, restoring U.S. commitments to climate finance and cooperation that were dialed back under Trump.

19. Endangered Species Act

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Trump weakened the Endangered Species Act, making it harder to protect wildlife affected by climate change.

20. Clean Energy Economy

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Biden has proposed a $2 trillion environmental plan, which aims to reach a “100% clean energy economy and achieve net-zero emissions no later than 2050.”

Choose Wisely, Act Boldly

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As we look ahead to the next election, it’s clear that the climate policies of the next president will either propel us forward or set us back significantly. The facts are in front of you, and the power to decide our environmental future is, quite literally, in your hands. Let’s make sure our next vote counts for the planet.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / QubixStudio.

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