5 Reasons Why Vintage Is So Popular

5 Reasons Why Vintage Is So Popular

Find out why vintage clothing, furniture and Paraphernalia is becoming so popular

5 Reasons Why Vintage Is So Popular

Vintage is big business, whether it’s furniture, homeware, or clothes the trend for vintage products is more popular than ever and has been brought into the 21st Century with internet sites, market stalls and shops re-selling all manner of stuff.

According to Statista.Com in 2020, the global resale apparel market alone was valued at nine billion U.S. dollars. It is projected that the market will grow to 47 billion U.S. dollars by 2025.

But why has Vintage become so popular? 

Vintage items have become popular because consumers are now more eco-conscious and buying vintage is more environmentally friendly than buying new; it is often made to a higher quality than some contemporary clothes and furniture, and it can be stylish and timeless fitting in well with contemporary homes.

There are some more reasons why vintage has become so popular which I will discuss in more detail in this article.


  1. Eco-Friendly
  2. Nostalgic
  3. Well-made
  4. Stylish
  5. The Thrill of the Hunt
  6. Key takeaway

1. Eco-friendly

The most important reason vintage has become so popular is the shift in people trying to be more eco-friendly.

With consumers becoming more conscious of their buying power, buying second-hand vintage items aids sustainability and reduces tonnes of waste from landfills. It is estimated that there is more than 50 million metric tons of clothing alone that is discarded, incinerated, or dumped every year. 

The Fashion industry is one of the biggest contributors to global warming. Studies have shown that the Fashion industry is responsible for 10 per cent of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions and 20 percent of global wastewater, and uses more energy than the aviation and shipping sectors combined.

These figures are quite shocking. They don’t take into consideration the impact on the environment from the water required for the cotton crop, the pesticides and insecticides or the environmental impact from the chemicals required for dyeing materials for the latest inferior fast fashion.  

Consumers are waking up to the damage that is being caused to our environment and are making better choices.  Gone are the days of the stigma of buying second-hand.  By purchasing second hand, the carbon footprint of an item of clothing is greatly reduced. This, in itself, is a valid reason why vintage clothing is so popular. 

Source: 2021 Resale Report

But it’s not just vintage fashion that aids the environment. If purchasing vintage furniture to kit out your home, not only are you saving beautiful pieces of furniture from landfills but there is the added benefit of it being healthier for you and your abode. 

All the formaldehyde gases and toxins emitted from the paint, glue and finishes that are emitted from furniture will have been given off and dispersed. 

Providing any new finishes applied are non-toxic, there will be no airborne toxic threat to your living space and another environmentally friendly reason why buying vintage is becoming so popular now. 

2. Nostalgic

When buying Vintage items, there is a degree of nostalgia that comes with every purchase.  For millennials, buying vintage items that they would have grown up with, brings a feel-good comfort feeling that newer products don’t provide. 

Buying homeware that you remember your grandparents or parents having and using when you were a child can bring back feelings of a happier simpler time. 

Psychological studies conducted in 2013 and published by the American Psychological Association journal showed that Nostalgia can produce increased optimism about the future, through increased self-esteem, feelings of connection and hope for the future.  

It’s no wonder that either consciously or subconsciously, psychologically, buying vintage items feels good and plays a part in the reason why millennials like vintage products. 

3. Well-made

Another reason why Vintage furniture is so popular is due to the quality of the items. There is no question that if a product has stood the wear and tear of 20 plus years and is still in good shape, then the quality is clearly evident. 

Items of furniture were also often hand-made or hand-finished using finer materials, solid wood rather than chipboard or ply.  And the clothes are produced using better quality fabrics.  

Nowadays, these materials would be more expensive to purchase for similar brand-new items, with vintage items being considerably lower in the price for better quality, it’s a win-win situation. 

When buying your vintage items, don’t be put off by those scratches and dents. The slight imperfections and patina of age only give the piece character but also makes up its rich history that you won’t get from mass-produced flat-packed items or the fast fashion trends of today.

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4. Stylish 

There is a stylish charm to vintage furniture, from the warm wooden shades that blend and complement most modern-day décor.  There is a variety of sizes, styles, and shapes available, with a variety of legs and handles to make it stand out and give it that edge.  With very little imagination, decent pieces of furniture can be added to enhance any room. 

No matter what your personal style or personal décor, whether it’s bookcases, dressing tables or chest of drawers, each individual piece will bring character and a bespoke style to each room.

When it comes to Vintage fashion, there are some great examples available to reflect everyone’s personality.  

Designers and Models have been showcasing everything from Vintage glamour and classic dresses from the ’50s, to more casual vintage band t-shirts and everything in between.  

Vintage fashion covers clothes, shoes and accessories, its personal choice and personal style whether to go head to toe or just to accessorise and mix and match.  The versatility of vintage clothing makes it very popular and suitable for any occasion.  

5. The thrill of the hunt

Like the feel-good feelings of nostalgia, the thrill of the hunt gives the consumer a buzz of excitement when searching for that exact unique piece to make their home or wardrobe complete.

There is a hedonistic pleasure found from searching and finally finding that unique gem of an item, knowing its scarcity and that it won’t be made again.  A similar feeling is not felt when purchasing the mass-produced item that’s available in any store in any town. 

Key Takeaways

To sum up we can see why Vintage is popular, with its uniqueness, style and quality.  Designers today would do well to reflect on the simplistic designs and find more ways to incorporate existing products that we have, in an effort, to be more environmentally friendly and sustainable.  Reducing our carbon footprint and saving tonnes of stylish paraphernalia from the scrap heap. 

The feel-good factor from finding and purchasing Vintage items can’t be denied added to the environmental benefits of reusing and re-purposing Vintage clothes and furniture, it really can’t be beaten  

As they say, “Fashions may go out of style, but style never goes out of fashion”, Vintage is one style that will never go out of fashion and is becoming a sustainable lifestyle option for everyone.