30 Startling Facts About Our Daily Waste Habits

Last month, my family of five, plus our dog and cat, decided to monitor our household waste for a week. We were horrified by what we discovered. Here are 30 astonishing stats that opened our eyes to our wasteful habits. 1. 80 Pounds of Trash In just one week, we produced 80 pounds of trash. That’s more than 4,000 pounds …

21 Ways to Make Your Wardrobe Sustainable Without Destroying Your Wallet

I thought I was doing enough by recycling and buying organic cotton basics. But when I learned about the dark side of fast fashion, I knew I had to do more. Shouldn’t you? 1. Shop Secondhand Thrift stores and consignment shops are gold mines for affordable, eco-friendly fashion. For example, I found a designer dress at Goodwill for just $10. …

Go Green for Less: 17 Eco Innovations Under $50

Let’s face it—excuses are easy. But if you’re serious about saving the planet and your wallet, these budget-friendly eco hacks are the perfect place to start. You could be doing so much more, and budget is no longer an excuse. What are you waiting for? 1. Solar-Powered Garden Lights Still using traditional lights? Come on. These solar-powered garden lights charge …

18 Worst Offending States on Climate Change

Are you living in one of the states dragging America down in the fight against climate change? Let’s dive into the 18 worst offenders and see how they’re failing us all. 1. Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Texas is notorious for its love affair with fossil fuels. Despite being a top wind energy producer, Texas continues to expand its oil and …

Polluting the Planet: 21 Reasons China Needs to Take Action Now

Climate change isn’t just a local issue; it’s a global crisis, and every country needs to step up, especially China. Is the U.S. doing enough to push back, or are we all complicit in ignoring the harsh realities? 1. World’s Largest Emitter China is currently the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide, responsible for over 28% of global CO2 emissions. …

15 Climate Policies At Risk in the Next Election

The upcoming election isn’t just about choosing a president; it’s about deciding the future of our planet.. Here are 15 policies that could be drastically impacted, and why you should care. 1. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) The IRA’s funding for renewable energy and emissions reductions could be severely cut back, particularly aspects like subsidies for clean energy which are critical …

Broken Promises: 21 Ways Democrats Are Reneging on Climate Commitments

Are you worried about our planet’s future? You should be. Democrats claim to fight climate change, but they’re falling short in many ways. Here’s how they’re letting us down, and why the Republican alternative might be even worse. 1. Watered-Down Legislation The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was meant to be a game-changer but key components like the Clean Electricity Performance …

What the Next President Could Mean for Your Bills

Are you wondering what the next presidential term might mean for your wallet? Whether it’s Trump taking the office again or Biden continuing his policies, your tax bill could look quite different. Here’s a breakdown of how each candidate could influence what you pay to Uncle Sam. 1. Trump: Reduction in Income Tax Rates Under a Trump administration, we might …

Debunking 25 Common Vegan Myths

Veganism is often misunderstood, leading to many myths and misconceptions. Here are 25 common myths about veganism debunked by science and economics. Change your perspective. 1. Vegans Don’t Get Enough Protein It’s a myth that vegans can’t get enough protein. Plant-based sources like beans, lentils, tofu, and quinoa provide ample protein without the health risks associated with animal products. 2. …

22 Surprising Ways Organic Foods Impact Your Wallet

Organic foods are often seen as the healthier, more ethical choice, but how do they really impact your wallet? Here are 22 startling truths about organic foods and their effect on your finances. 1. Higher Price Tags Organic foods typically cost 20-100% more than their conventional counterparts. This premium can add up quickly, impacting your grocery budget significantly. 2. Seasonal …