Zombie Oil Wells: The Ticking Time Bomb Beneath Our Feet

We need to talk about the ticking time bomb that’s lying beneath our soil: zombie oil wells.  The Rusting Relics of America’s Oil Boom Millions of old oil and gas wells are scattered across the U.S., not producing energy anymore but instead leaking dangerous chemicals into the environment. An Environmental Nightmare in the Making These rusty relics could become an …

Alarming Levels of Microplastics Discovered in the Human Brain

Plastic pollution may be about to reach a tipping point – but not in a good way. Here are the details. Plastic in Human Brains We’ve all heard about the problems caused by plastic pollution. From massive floating garbage patches in the ocean to tiny particles infiltrating our drinking water – plastic waste is everywhere.  A Widespread Problem  Over the …

New Report Reveals Some Green Policies Just Don’t Deliver

Is green energy too good to be true? The details of a new report may shock you. The Hidden Cost of Going Green It seems as though there could be a life-threatening flaw in the race to hit the nation’s green energy targets and to net zero.  The Electric Revolution’s Dark Secret We all know about the shift to electric …

California Strikes Huge Geothermal Energy Deal – What It Means For Residents

As new energy sources crop up across the country, a startup company has secured a huge deal that will change the way energy is generated in California. Here are the details. California’s New Energy Game-Changer Everyone has heard of solar panels, wind turbines, and electric cars. These are all great ways of tackling climate change while keeping the same standard …

Texas Residents Up in Arms About SpaceX Environmental Impact

Concerned citizens and federal regulators are uniting to challenge a controversial billionaire’s cosmic ambitions. Here are the details. SpaceX in Hot Water Elon Musk’s SpaceX is coming under fire from Texas residents and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Locals aren’t happy and are hoping the TCEQ will pull their weight and get the company under control. From Rockets …

Florida’s HOA Hell: Hike in Fees Could Crash the Housing Market

HOAs, everyone’s favorite neighborhood enforcers, might be about to crash Florida’s housing market. When Safety Meets Skyrocketing Fees Florida’s housing market is on the brink of disaster, and it’s the little guys – everyday homeowners – who are about to get crushed. The New Culprit in Town Forget the usual suspects like high mortgage rates or a cooling real estate …

Renters Face the Fierce Fallout of Climate Crisis More Than Others

Extreme weather is making tough harder for all of us – but you may not realise who it’s hitting the hardest. Here are the details. Renting in America Renting a home in America is a challenge as it is – what with the cost of living crisis, various rental crises across the nation, and inflation all hitting us hard. But …

U.S. Joins Forces with a Surprising Ally to Slash Super-Pollutant Emissions

Biden is cozying up to an unexpected ally in the fight against climate change. Here are the details. Super Pollutant Showdown The Biden Administration is stepping up its efforts to slash nitrous oxide emissions – a super pollutant – by brokering a climate deal with an unlikely partner: China. White House Climate Summit Reveals Bold Plans This big news came …