California’s Burning Issues: 18 Political Blunders That Set the State Ablaze

California’s wildfires are out of control, and many of the state’s political decisions have made things worse. Despite its green reputation, the state’s policies and budget choices are fueling an escalating climate crisis. Here’s a look at 18 political blunders that have ignited the flames, putting lives and property at risk. 1. Weakening of Fire Safety Regulations In recent years, …

Michigan Governor Slashes Powers of HOAs, Victory for Homeowners

Gretchen Whitmer has just taken on HOAs across Michigan. Who won?  A Big Win For… Michigan homeowners just scored a huge victory, thanks to a new law signed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer.  New Law Overrides HOA Restrictions From October 8, 2024, homeowner associations (HOAs) can no longer stop Michiganders from adding energy-efficient upgrades to their homes. Say goodbye to those …

The Denier’s Deception: 22 Climate Facts That Crush Their Myths

Ever wondered what climate deniers are hiding? Let’s bust some common myths and reveal the truths they don’t want you to know, armed with solid data and simple facts. 1. Climate Change Is Real Over 97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and primarily caused by human activities. Deniers often dismiss this consensus to downplay the urgency …

Sustainable & Stylish: 20 Reasons Rattan Furniture is Worth It

Rattan furniture, with its natural aesthetic and durability, has become a popular choice for both indoor and outdoor settings. Here are 20 reasons why investing in rattan furniture can be a smart move for your home or business. #1. Timeless Aesthetic Rattan furniture offers a timeless charm that complements various decor styles, from tropical to contemporary. #2. Durability Rattan is …

Green & Gorgeous: 18 Ways to Extend the Life of Your Furniture

Maintaining your furniture sustainably helps extend its lifespan and minimizes your environmental impact. Here are 18 eco-friendly tips for keeping your furniture in top condition while respecting the planet. 1. Regular Dusting Frequent dusting prevents buildup that can scratch furniture surfaces. Use a soft, microfiber cloth that traps particles without the need for chemical sprays. 2. Natural Cleaning Solutions Mix …

Affordable Eco-Friendly Furniture under $600

Affordable Eco-Friendly Furniture For Under $600

Check out some of the places you can buy sustainable furniture on a budget Fast throw away furniture may not be best for the environment but there is no doubt that it’s generally cheaper and in great supply. More sustainable furniture on the other hand can be more expensive and out of the price range of a lot of people. …

Best Greenguard gold certified furniture brands

Best Greenguard Gold Certified Furniture Brands

Check some of the best companies who manufacture and sell low VOC furniture When we consider ways, our air is polluted its not uncommon to think of factories, cars, and vehicles, pumping toxic fumes into our atmosphere. But we rarely consider the polluting emissions a little closer to home. Chemical emissions also known as VOCs are given off from our …

Best leather alternatives for furniture

Best Leather Alternatives For Furniture

Check out some of the innovative leather alternatives being developed to make furniture Leather has long been seen as a luxury material. It makes sense, as leather ages well, is incredibly durable, and looks great in most rooms. However, there are plenty of people who aren’t comfortable using leather due to the fact that it is an animal product. Plenty …

Best Sustainable Home Office Furniture

Best Sustainable Home Office Furniture 

See what to look out for when choosing the best furniture for your home office With more hybrid working becoming the normal working practice for many thousands of people, it is unsurprising that sales of home office equipment have increased. Gone are the days of the makeshift desk on the corner of the kitchen table or resting the laptop and …

Best Sustainable Wood For Outdoor Furniture

Best Sustainable Wood For Outdoor Furniture

See some of the most durable and sustainable woods suitable for outdoor furniture. Are you wondering what the best sustainable wood is for outdoor furniture? Whether you want to buy a piece of furniture or you’re looking to make your own sustainable garden furniture, you need to choose wood responsibly. While all wood is sustainable to a degree, some varieties …