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It’s easy to ignore the climate crisis when it’s not directly affecting your daily life. [...]

Not only are Texans trying to recover in the dark, but they also have scorching [...]

America’s failure to tackle climate change isn’t just a short-term problem. It’s creating a bleak [...]

Meanwhile, State Farm wants to increase rates for the wildfire-prone state Not a Happy Holiday [...]

Fireworks are a staple of American celebrations, particularly around the Fourth of July. However, the [...]

More than 245 million Americans have been warned about record-breaking heatwaves shifting east and moving [...]

A new study looking into housing in the U.S. has many people convinced that the [...]

However, he is much more positive about AI helping countries use less energy. Embracing AI [...]

As climate change is heating coastal waters and destroying ecosystems, more sharks are hunting for [...]

When the ground starts shaking, will you be ready? Earthquakes strike without warning, leaving destruction [...]

Researchers say extreme heat waves may become commonplace in America and across the globe. Full [...]

I never thought I’d say this, but as a Taylor Swift super fan, it’s time [...]

Millennials are at the forefront of the environmental movement, redefining what it means to live [...]

Residents are urged to protect themselves as wildfires near LA consume over 15,600 acres. Fueled [...]

Are you living in one of the states dragging America down in the fight against [...]

Ever wondered what the U.S. could learn from its northern neighbor? Canada has some impressive [...]

Are we compromising our environment and values by depending on Saudi Arabian oil? Here’s why [...]

Climate change isn’t just a local issue; it’s a global crisis, and every country needs [...]

Do you find yourself skeptical about what science claims to know? Let’s clear up some [...]

Earthquakes strike without warning, causing widespread devastation and chaos. To increase your chances of survival, [...]

The upcoming election isn’t just about choosing a president; it’s about deciding the future of [...]

Complementing Sunday 9 June’s sweltering heat in Las Vegas, Donald Trump dropped some “hot” news [...]

Hoping to become a grandparent or parent? Maybe think again. The world we’re living in [...]

With climate change becoming an increasingly pressing issue, some U.S. states are taking the lead [...]

As global temperatures soar, the economic impact of these extreme heatwaves is becoming increasingly severe. [...]

It’s time to face the facts: Americans are contributing massively to the planet’s destruction. Here’s [...]

Climate change denial isn’t just about ignoring science—it’s about jeopardizing our future. How are we [...]

Are you worried about our planet’s future? You should be. Democrats claim to fight climate [...]

Are you aware of how your state ranks in terms of pollution? Here’s a look [...]

Ever wonder why some politicians keep denying climate change despite overwhelming evidence? It’s not just [...]

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